Entries in Sacramento (3)


Orange You Glad I Didn't Say Royals?

It's official, Anaheim is trying to attract an NBA team.

What isn't official is what team they're trying to pursue, but it's pretty clear that it's the Sacramento Kings. However, since Anaheim is so close to Los Angeles and LA already has a team named the Kings, Anaheim wants to change the Kings' name to the Royals.

While that name has precedent in that organization, it sure doesn't make a statement about the Anaheim area. And the old color scheme of the old Royals was red and blue, which there is way too much of in the NBA these days - including nearby LA.

It's just another generic team name and color scheme.

That being said, if Anaheim wants to rebrand the Kings for their new home, I say go the full monty and change everything.

So where do you go with Anaheim? Well, someone suggested the Anaheim Lion Kings. Unfortunately, Disney might have a problem with that one. What I noticed was how Anaheim is in the O.C. (don't call it that) Orange County, and there is a color lacking a strong presence in the NBA that deserves to be recognized.

Without further adieu - and a little local inspiration - I give you The Anaheim Orange:


There aren't enough fun cartoon logos in the NBA anymore. Not everything has to be angry, it's only a game. The name Orange obviously derives from Orange County, so I decided to create the most logical logo - an orange. And with this team name, a color scheme was easy to pick.

Now, a less literal interpretation of the name orange could represent a different orange colored sphere...

With the secondary logos, I just removed all the lettering and kept the designs. Here you can clearly see that both logos have the part of the orange that used to have the stem (the nipple?) to further link the images.

Next, a tertiary logo allows all the people who love calling Orange County 'the O.C.' a chance to give the new team a similar nickname, 'the A.O."


With the uniforms I wanted to keep the design as simple as possible. The cartoon logo and the color scheme are loud enough, no need to go crazy.

With the road alternate, I did feel a bit of orange needed to be added to the jersey (I mean, they are the Orange) so I placed the uni number inside a faceless orange.

Not sure if I'm in love with the designs, but they're simple enough where I don't think I'll be criticized for over-designing them, haha.


Finally, the Honda Center has hosted basketball games (see: 2011 NCAA Tournament) but a court for an NBA team would be brand new, so I say, "Go bold."

I hope you like this design. If you really like, remember that I just opened up my own shop where you can purchase any of my original designs in t-shirt form. If you have any merchandize or design requests, please drop me an email.

Until then, leave it in the comments.


Royal Pain In My Ass

Last month, as you may recall, I did a rebrand for the Sacramento Kings.

My design was broken down into three different ideas all based off of this logo. The reason I needed three main ideas was because - at the time - no one knew where the Kings would end up, Sacramento, Anaheim or other.

No matter where they were located, though, I kept the name 'Kings'. Why wouldn't I? It's a good team name and they have been some incarnation of the Kings since 1972.

Well, according to this article, not only are the Kings closer to moving to Anaheim (probably) but the current Kings' habit of wearing 'Royals' throwbacks (pictured above) seem to be a foreshadowing of a name change.

So taking into account the new location (Anaheim), the new name (Royals) and the uniform set I already created and received a lot of positive feedback from, I decided to update my Kings rebrand for the Anaheim Royals.


While this was based off of this, the new logo set throws back to this Cincinnati Royals logo, so not much of a change.


Like I said, I got a lot of positive feedback about these unis so there's no point in changing anything that isn't necessary.


Well, the Honda Center in Anaheim already has the nickname 'The Pond' for the Ducks, but I'm not quite sure how that'll jibe with the Royals ('the team across The Pond'?).

However the name works, I think the court looks great. Until my next rebrand, drop me an email if you have any questions or requests.


The Emperors' New Clothes

The Sacramento Kings have problems. I thought Mike Bibby was the best player on their team but he just got traded to the Washington Wizards.

...from the Atlanta Hawks. Whoops.

Word came to me recently that the Kings have other problems, like the aging ARCO Arena.

With relocation a probability, it's the perfect time for a rebrand.

Now, looking back at the Kings' history we can see some pretty fantastic design but as of recent their uniforms have been tragically hideous.

In the future, we may not know where the Kings will be but I have a few ideas no matter where they end up.

Looking back to the great 70s logo of the Kings (seen above) I took that logo into 2011 by updating the ball, fixing (IMO) the crown and matching the font (Bauhaus 93) with the 60s/70s feel of the logo.

If the Kings decide to stay in The Sac they may choose to keep their current color scheme.

If they do, a simplistic faux-back design may work and instead of an all black alternate, the alternate matches the color order of the logo.

Now if the Kings decide they would prefer to play with the Ducks in The Pond, they may choose to go back to an older color scheme.

Simplistic but still better than what they wear now.


And to go even more 60s/70s feel, lets throw in some kick ass 70s striping.

But really, who knows where the Kings will be next year, odds are they stay somewhere in California so why give them the exact same color scheme as the Clippers (and because what's more Kingly than royal blue and the color of royalty)?

Mash the old and the new together and you got yourself one dandy color combo, if I do say so myself.

But my pièce de résistance comes from when you add the color scheme to the 60s/70s stripes.


Now that's one helluva uni.

And of course, here is the Kings' court (get it?).

Well, those are my ideas, tell me what you think in the comments.

† If you enjoy this rebrand, please check out my other uniform ideas in my Uniform Concept page. I'm always willing to take critiques, praise or requests (which this was).