Entries in Federals (1)


If Only They Still Had Agent 0

The Washington NBA team has bigger identity issues than people in the Witness Relocation Program.

Just like a Witness Relocation Programee (if that's a word), Washington's former life was too violent. But now, in their new life as the Wizards, they've been found... to have a crap team identity.

Since the organization hates one name and the fans hate the other, it's time for a rebrand, Cajun Style.


Given that D.C. is the capital, shouldn't the nation's capital have a governmental theme? I'll hear none of this, let's just change the colors B.S., so while brainstorming I, and I alone, came up with the name. Nevermind the rumors this team name may have already existed, The Washington Federals is too good to pass up.

The main logo is based on this treasury department logo.

The secondary logos are, obviously based on the Capitol (although I have two other W designs).


With the Home and Road unis, my inspiration should obvious - CASH MONEY YA'LL. I thought about throwing in those random red and blue fibers into the designs but I figured the NBA might have a problem mass producing that.

With the team nickname The Feds, you have to be taken very seriously. Now, what's more serious than a federal agent in a suit showing up and dominating you on your home court?

With that in mind I give you the MIB Alt:

(My brother noted how this Alternate looks like John Wall joined Slytherin...)


This court is pretty simple and straightforward. I thought about perhaps trying to make the court look as much like a dollar bill as possible but with the flourishes in the corners and how much writing would be on the court, I decided to echo currency rather than replicate it.

Well, that's all for this rebrand. As always, I hope you enjoy it. Leave any comments or questions in the comments (dur), feel free to shoot me an email if you're so inclined and check out my shop to purchase t-shirts of my original designs.

Until next week...